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Professional Selling Skill

主讲老师: 王群 王群
课时安排: 1天/6小时
学习费用: 面议
课程预约: 隋老师 (微信同号)
课程简介: 有一个建议适用所有的销售情景:在进入销售循环的任意一个环节之前,必须设身处地从他人的视角来考察一下所要进行的销售。我们必须跳出自己的局限,通过买主或潜在雇主的眼睛来观察事物的全局。
内训课程分类: 综合管理 | 人力资源 | 市场营销 | 财务税务 | 基层管理 | 中层管理 | 领导力 | 管理沟通 | 薪酬绩效 | 企业文化 | 团队管理 | 行政办公 | 公司治理 | 股权激励 | 生产管理 | 采购物流 | 项目管理 | 安全管理 | 质量管理 | 员工管理 | 班组管理 | 职业技能 | 互联网+ | 新媒体 | TTT培训 | 礼仪服务 | 商务谈判 | 演讲培训 | 宏观经济 | 趋势发展 | 金融资本 | 商业模式 | 战略运营 | 法律风险 | 沙盘模拟 | 国企改革 | 乡村振兴 | 党建培训 | 保险培训 | 银行培训 | 电信领域 | 房地产 | 国学智慧 | 心理学 | 情绪管理 | 时间管理 | 目标管理 | 客户管理 | 店长培训 | 新能源 | 数字化转型 | 工业4.0 | 电力行业 |
更新时间: 2024-01-12 12:28

Course title

Professional Selling Skill

Target group

Sales team

Training purpose

This two days training course will focus on professional selling techniques, such as how to make opening, how to ask the right question, how to promote the products and how to seal a deal. Professional means it wont deal with rely on the Chinese relationship, instead, it will use logical and psychological method to talk with customers to find their needs and provide right products to meet the needs and offer benefits to the customers. This is called consultative selling skill and aimed to build up longer, deeper and closer relationship with their customers.  

On the second day of the training, itll also give a brief introduction of what is selling negotiation skill and what is key account management skill, so that the participants will be able to lay down a solid foundation, to obtain the systematic necessary skill set, and get ready for next step of training (negotiation skill training and key account management training).  


Two days (9 am ~ 5 pm)


Morning of day one:

· How to understand the relationship among Price, Demand & Supply

Understand the S-D-P curve

Understand the difference between Marketing and Sales, get the right information

· To be a smart sales: identify human needs and business needs

White-board exercisehuman needs and business needs

How to deal and satisfy the 2 kinds of needs?

· 4 selling skills (opening, questioning, promoting product, seal a deal):

Opening skill (3 steps)

§ How to make a professional & effective opening?

§ Participants opening exercise

Questioning skill:

§ 3 styles of questioning (open, close, follow up)

§ 3 steps of questioning

§ How to ask the right question?

§ What is called SPIN skill?

§ Participants exercise

12.00  13.00 Lunch break

Afternoon of day one:

How to successfully promote your product?

Promoting skill (the timing and the skill)

link your product with the customer needs and benefits

Develop and find out the needs behind the needs

Use SPIN when customer not really keen on your product

How to deal when customer misunderstands your product

How to deal when customer does not satisfy with your product

Participants exercise


Morning of day two:

· Review the first day training content and Q&A

· The skill of 3 steps to lead to agreement with customer

Highlight the benefits agreed by the customer

Make a next step suggestion

Verify the customer’s /confirm/iation

Participants exercise

· Consultative selling versus transactional selling

What does consultative selling focus on:

§ How to develop loyalty customer?

§ The benefits of loyalty customer

· Deal with different customer styles - the DISC skill

DISC skill exercise


Afternoon of day two:

· Successful selling needs a unique story

Example of the story

Exercise: how do we make our own product story?

· The selling systematic skill-set:

What’s the target of selling and negotiation?

How to deal with negotiation?

Why we can’t get into price negotiation too early?

What’s the right timing to start negotiation?

KAM – what’s called key account management?

How to build up key account database?

· Summary of the training and Q&A session


  End up training

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